Terms of Service
Businesses and organizations, and other persons pay us to show you ads for their products
and services, they may also use any content creator specifically to market their products and
services. By using our platform, you agree that we provide entertain through Creatives as
well as show you ads that we think may be relevant to you and your interests. We use your
personal data to help determine which personalized ads to show you.
We don’t sell your personal data to advertisers, and we don’t share information that directly
identifies you (such as your name, email address or other contact information) with
advertisers unless you give us specific permission. Instead, advertisers can tell us things like
the kind of audience they want to see their ads, and we show those ads to people who may
be interested. We provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads that
help them understand how people are interacting with their content.
Channel Owners
You earn signed up members, you earn from your profession and your work is recognized
not only locally but internationally as everyone is able to visit our website worldwide.
As your work is marketed you gain followers and possible subscribers to your channel.
We can get corporates (Clients) as our affiliates on the bases that if they like your
framework, they may use / sign up channel owners who are able to market their products.
Should there be a client interested in buying your products we can do Client verifications
and facilitate (as aggregator) to enable that transactions goes smoothly, again this is solely
your responsibility as well that information shared is legible and correct and you consented.
Knowing your money currencies and export and import policies are your responsibility in
case you have a Client aboard that’s interested in signing you up. We offer events ticket
sales platform in case you plan on hosting aa event and you would like to use the platform
for sales purposes, etc. All are limitless possibilities and privileges at your disposal. It’s a
platform that you can grow and go big. However, we are not liable of the content creating
that’s solely your responsibility on how crafty you can be on content sharing.
Our application is 24hours operational on demand entertainment.
High view definitions show. Should be quality based.
Previews on your work are rather encouraged.
User guidance and support. Should there be difficulties encountered.
Production - Signing up of content creators
Artists – You need to be a paid up member of NASCAM and Artist Union
Individuals – You need to be part of an Artist Union
Research and development- One page business model for modification purposes.
Data analysis- to transform raw data into readable report for office use or upon request.
Payment Methods
- E – wallet
- Blue Wallet
- Easy Wallet
- Mobi Money
Our Services
1. Our Mission
1.1 Our mission is to offer the public maximum entertainment from their favorite content
1.2 Provide relevant information and bring products and services closer to the public.
1.3 The power to build community and bring the world closer together.
1.4 Provide consistent and seamless experiences
1.5 Ensuring easy access to our services
2 The Services we offer
2.1 Provide a personalized experience for you:
2.2 Create a monthly income for all channel owners
2.3 A platform to market all your products and services
2.4 Connect you to the public at large.
2.5 Freedom for the public to choose who and what they want to watch
2.6 Promote the safety, security, and integrity of our services, combat harmful conduct and
keep our community of users safe.
2.7 Use and develop advanced technologies to provide safe and functional services for
2.8 Research ways to make our services better:
3. How we are funded
We have two sources of income: Channels sales and Advertising.
Protecting people's privacy is central to how we've designed our personalized system. This
means that we can show you relevant and useful ads without telling advertisers who you
are. We don't sell your personal data.
3.1 Who can use Namspot
- All Creatives
- Content Creators
- Businesses
- Government Institutions
- General Public
Both public and Creatives will be required to open an account on Namspot, thus in order to
provide a safe, reliable and credible platform, all users should:
- Provide for your account the same name that you use in everyday life.
- Provide accurate full contact details.
- Create only one account (your own) and use it for personal purposes.
- Not share your password